Genito-Urinary Cancer Clinic

Genitourinary Cancer Center

Your Complete Resource for Bladder, Kidney, Prostate, and Testicular Cancer Management

Understanding Genitourinary Cancers

Explore an exclusive domain of cancer expertise at our Genitourinary Cancer Clinic, where our committed team specializes in addressing cancers impacting the urinary and male reproductive systems. Our clinic provides thorough care for a range of cancers, such as prostate cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, testicular cancer, as well as cancers affecting the penis, bladder, urethra, and ureters.

Understanding Bladder Cancer

Ranked as the fifth most prevalent cancer in Canada, bladder cancer poses a significant challenge, especially in nonmuscle-invasive cases known for their high recurrence rates. Timely identification and preventive measures play a pivotal role in addressing this issue.

Prevention and Screening

  • Genetic Testing and Guidance: Explore our services for genetic testing and counseling tailored to high-risk groups, such as smokers and individuals exposed to industrial toxins.
  • Bladder Cancer Risk Evaluation: Engage in interactive discussions with Dr. Sean Pierre, incorporating family history, genetic testing, lifestyle, and various risk factors to assess your susceptibility to bladder cancer.
  • Nutritional Analysis: Benefit from our dietitian's expertise in crafting personalized nutrition and supplement plans, focusing on disease prevention and the promotion of healthy aging.

Understanding Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer predominantly impacts nephrons, the small kidney tubes responsible for blood filtration and urine production. Timely identification and intervention play a crucial role.

Preventive Measures

  • Routine Ultrasound Screenings: Ensuring regular screenings is vital for detecting kidney issues early on.
  • Kidney Cancer Risk Evaluation: Dr. Sean Pierre engages in detailed discussions considering family history, blood work, lifestyle, and risk factors to assess your susceptibility to kidney cancer.
  • Nutrition Evaluation: Our dietitian provides personalized nutrition and supplement plans to aid in disease prevention and promote healthy aging.

Understanding Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer stands as the most prevalent cancer among Canadian men, emphasizing the importance of early diagnosis and proactive risk management.

Risk Factors

  • Age: The risk escalates post the age of 50, with a majority of cases identified in men aged 65 and above.
  • Family History: Increased risk is associated with a family history of prostate cancer.
  • Ethnicity: Individuals of African or Caribbean descent face an elevated risk.
  • Weight: Maintaining a healthy weight plays a pivotal role.
  • Diet: A diet low in fiber and high in fat may contribute to an increased risk.

Prevention and Screening

  • Genetic Testing and Counseling (BRCA1/BRCA2): Utilized for a comprehensive risk assessment.
  • Prostate Cancer Risk Assessment: Dr. Sean Pierre conducts thorough discussions incorporating family history, genetic testing, blood work, lifestyle, and risk factors.
  • Nutrition Assessment: Our dietitian offers personalized nutrition and supplement plans aimed at disease prevention and the reversal of aging.

Understanding Testis Cancer

Testicular cancer, frequently identified in young men, boasts a high curability rate, making early detection essential.

Prevention and Screening

  • Genetic Testing and Counseling (BRCA1/BRCA2): Assessing the risk landscape.
  • Testis Cancer Risk Evaluation: Dr. Sean Pierre engages in comprehensive discussions centered around family history, genetic testing, blood work, lifestyle, and risk factors.
  • Nutrition Evaluation:Our dietitian provides individualized nutrition and supplement plans for both disease prevention and the reversal of aging.

Contact Us Today

For questions or more information, don't hesitate to reach out to La Vie Health:

Kanata: (613) 592-0862
Downtown Ottawa: (613) 231-3666

Choose our Genitourinary Cancer Clinic for comprehensive, personalized cancer care tailored to your unique needs. Your health is our priority.

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