Sain x La Vie Wellness Packages 

Unlock Your Full Potential, Physically and Mentally

Welcome to Sain at La Vie Wellness Programs

At La Vie Executive Health Centre, we advocate for a well-rounded approach to well-being. That's why we are thrilled to announce our innovative collaboration with Sain at La Vie, a division of Free Form Fitness. Together, we bring you the Sain at La Vie Wellness Programs – an exceptional combination of thorough wellness evaluations and customized fitness training at our clinic, crafted to enhance your overall health and vitality.

Your heart, the engine driving your body, tirelessly pumps blood to every nook and cranny. Embracing routine physical activity can unlock a plethora of advantages for your heart's well-being, such as:

  • Boost Heart Strength: Regular exercise fortifies the heart muscle, enabling it to pump blood more efficiently, thereby mitigating the risk of heart disease.
  • Maintain Blood Pressure: Exercise plays a pivotal role in regulating blood pressure, alleviating strain on your heart and arteries.
  • Improve Circulation: Engaging in physical activity enhances blood flow, delivering a steady supply of oxygen and nutrients to your heart and body, fostering overall health.
  • Alleviate Stress: Exercise functions as a natural stress reliever, reducing the likelihood of stress-related heart issues.

What this program includes

Our fitness team comes from Sain Personal Training. As part of the Comprehensive Wellness Assessment, your designated trainer will conduct a 30-minute fitness evaluation, providing a foundational understanding of your existing strength, cardiovascular fitness, and joint mobility.

Our assessment employs a grip strength test as a reliable gauge of overall body strength. For cardiovascular fitness, we utilize a 30-second maximum effort test on an air bike. Additionally, a movement assessment is conducted to gauge the mobility of your joints.

Based on the assessment findings, your trainer will curate a personalized fitness plan for you. This entails three weekly personal training sessions throughout the year-long program. The program is designed to enhance cardiovascular fitness for a stronger heart and incorporates strength training to fortify the rest of your body. Strengthening muscles elsewhere reduces the workload on your heart.

Your trainer collaborates closely with your doctor and dietitian to make any necessary adjustments to your fitness plan, ensuring a holistic approach to your well-being.

Medical Part of Heart Health Package:

  • Comprehensive wellness assessment (5hr assessment) followed by signing into the program if medically cleared. This includes the Nutrigenomix test and food sensitivity analysis.
  • Initial wellness check by our team-modified wellness assessment:
    1. 45-60 min session with RN for medical history and vitals (including ECG)
    2. Blood test
    3. Body composition analysis
    4. Food sensitivity test
    5. Nutrigenomix test
    6. 60 min session with MD for result review, physical exam, and clearance to participate in the program.
  • Once signed into the program, the following schedule will be followed:
    1. MD reassessment every 3 months, including a review of vitals and body composition analysis in a 30 min appointment.
    2. RD initial assessment for 60 min, followed by 30 min appointments every 3 months.
    3. Fitness team conducts training 3 times a week.
  • Our team of health and wellness experts collaborates to achieve our patients' ultimate and optimal wellness goals.

Weight Loss Package

Strength training goes beyond merely building muscle; it stands as a fundamental element in achieving enduring and efficient weight loss. Here's why it holds a crucial place in your wellness journey:

  • Enhanced metabolism: Engaging in strength training elevates your metabolism, enabling the continuous burning of calories, even during periods of rest.
  • Fat reduction: Strengthened muscles demand more energy, contributing to a decrease in body fat.
  • Body sculpting: Tailor your physique by sculpting and defining muscles, allowing for a personalized and toned appearance.
  • Elevated energy levels: Consistent involvement in strength training results in an increased reservoir of energy, fostering an active and motivated lifestyle

What this program includes

Our fitness experts, hailing from Sain Personal Training, will conduct a 30-minute fitness evaluation as an integral component of our Comprehensive Wellness Assessment. This evaluation aims to establish a baseline for your existing strength levels, cardiovascular fitness, and joint mobility.

We employ a grip strength test as a reliable indicator of overall body strength. To gauge cardiovascular fitness, we utilize a 30-second maximum effort test on an air bike. Additionally, a movement assessment is conducted to evaluate the mobility of your joints.

The results of this assessment serve as the foundation for a personalized fitness plan tailored to your needs. This plan encompasses three weekly personal training sessions, forming part of a year-long program. The focus of the program is on muscle building and body fat reduction to help you achieve your desired physique.

Our trainers collaborate closely with your doctor and dietitian, making necessary adjustments to your fitness plan to ensure it aligns seamlessly with your overall health and wellness goals.

Medical Part of Weight Loss Package:

  • Comprehensive wellness assessment (5hr assessment) followed by signing into the program if medically cleared. This includes the Nutrigenomix test and food sensitivity analysis.
  • Initial wellness check by our team-modified wellness assessment:
    1. 45-60 min session with RN for medical history and vitals (including ECG)
    2. Blood test
    3. Body composition analysis
    4. Food sensitivity test
    5. Nutrigenomix test
    6. 60 min session with MD for result review, physical exam, and clearance to participate in the program.
  • Once signed into the program, the following schedule will be followed:
    1. MD reassessment every 3 months, including a review of vitals and body composition analysis in a 30 min appointment.
    2. RD initial assessment for 60 min, followed by 30 min appointments every 3 months.
    3. Fitness team conducts training 3 times a week.
  • Our team of health and wellness experts collaborates to achieve our patients' ultimate and optimal wellness goals.

Anti-Aging Package

If your aim is to enhance your lifespan, incorporating regular exercise into your daily routine is undoubtedly crucial. Research indicates that achieving peak aerobic cardiorespiratory fitness stands out as the most influential factor for a longer life. Following closely, muscle mass and strength are also highly correlated with increased longevity. Exercise proves to be unparalleled in its impact on lifespan, with no other intervention matching its magnitude or benefits.

Strength training plays a pivotal role in preserving youthfulness through:

  • Reversing Muscle Loss: As we age, the natural decline in muscle mass occurs. Strength training aids in rebuilding and maintaining muscle, ensuring a robust and resilient physique.
  • Boosting Metabolism: A faster metabolism contributes to effective weight management and sustained energy levels, promoting an active and vital lifestyle.
  • Enhanced Bone Health: Strengthening muscles concurrently benefits bone health, lowering the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.
  • Improved Mobility: Maintain flexibility, coordination, and balance as you age, fostering an active and independent lifestyle.
  • Increased Energy: Revitalize your body and mind through regular strength training, offering a rejuvenating boost to your overall well-being.

What this program includes

Our fitness experts, hailing from Sain Personal Training, will conduct a 30-minute fitness evaluation as an integral component of our Comprehensive Wellness Assessment. This evaluation aims to establish a baseline for your existing strength levels, cardiovascular fitness, and joint mobility.

We employ a grip strength test as a reliable indicator of overall body strength. To gauge cardiovascular fitness, we utilize a 30-second maximum effort test on an air bike. Additionally, a movement assessment is conducted to evaluate the mobility of your joints.

The results of this assessment serve as the foundation for a personalized fitness plan tailored to your needs. This plan encompasses three weekly personal training sessions, forming part of a year-long program. The focus of the program is on muscle building and body fat reduction to help you achieve your desired physique.

Our trainers collaborate closely with your doctor and dietitian, making necessary adjustments to your fitness plan to ensure it aligns seamlessly with your overall health and wellness goals.

Medical Part of Anti-Aging Package:

  • Comprehensive wellness assessment (5hr assessment) followed by signing into the program if medically cleared. This includes the Nutrigenomix test and food sensitivity analysis.
  • Initial wellness check by our team-modified wellness assessment:
    1. 45-60 min session with RN for medical history and vitals (including ECG)
    2. Blood test
    3. Body composition analysis
    4. Food sensitivity test
    5. Nutrigenomix test
    6. 60 min session with MD for result review, physical exam, and clearance to participate in the program.
  • Once signed into the program, the following schedule will be followed:
    1. MD reassessment every 3 months, including a review of vitals and body composition analysis in a 30 min appointment.
    2. RD initial assessment for 60 min, followed by 30 min appointments every 3 months.
    3. Fitness team conducts training 3 times a week.
  • Our team of health and wellness experts collaborates to achieve our patients' ultimate and optimal wellness goals.

Our Expert Team

Ashley Lawrie

Co founder
Ashley co-founded Sain when she saw there was nothing quite like it in our industry. She wanted to bring expert doctors and specialists together to help everyone reach their full health potential. She has been the CEO of FFF for over 15 years and has seen many clients succeed with their health improvements. We aim to close the divide between the healing properties of medicine and the preventive elements of personal training. That was when Sain at La Vie was created. Her commitment to people's health is her true passion and she strives on making sure there is no judgement - simply solutions.

Vania Hau

Co Founder /Personal Trainer

Vania has over 10 years of experience as a personal trainer. Her specialty lies in helping people get and remain pain-free in order to live and perform at their best. She holds a B.Sc in Human Kinetics from the University of Ottawa. She also obtained her Masters in Human Kinetics from the University of Ottawa.

Your Health and Wellness Oasis

Our private gym is more than just a place to exercise; it's a haven for self-improvement and well-being. We understand that embarking on a journey toward optimal health can be daunting, but we're here to make it not only manageable but enjoyable. Whether you're an exercise enthusiast or a newcomer to fitness, our private gym is tailored to accommodate individuals of all fitness levels and abilities.

Ongoing Support and Care

Why Choose Our Private Facility for Fitness Assessment?

Personalized Fitness Assessment:

At La Vie Executive Health Centre, we recognize that no two individuals are the same. Your fitness assessment is not a one-size-fits-all experience. We provide comprehensive fitness assessments that take into account your individual goals, medical history, and current fitness level. Our team of experienced fitness experts will work with you to create a personalized fitness assessment plan to help you reach your unique health and wellness goals.

Team Collaboration for Your Wellness

At La Vie Executive Health Centre, we take great pride in our committed team of health and wellness professionals who collaborate diligently to ensure you attain your peak state of well-being. Your path to optimal health is our foremost concern.

With the Sain at La Vie Wellness Fitness Programs, you're not navigating your wellness journey alone. Our experts are here to lead, assist, and inspire you at every stage. Welcome to a fresh era of health and well-being, where your ultimate wellness objectives transform into reality.

Initiate your wellness journey today. Get in touch with us to arrange your initial assessment, and let's work together to accomplish your wellness aspirations.

Contact Us Today

Ready to take the first step toward a healthier, happier you? Contact La Vie Executive Health Center to schedule your fitness assessment at our private gym. We look forward to helping you on your journey to well-being and are excited to be a part of your transformation.

At La Vie Executive Health Centre, your wellness is our priority, and your journey begins here.

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